Thursday, April 13, 2017

Won/Loss Percentage of Every Stratego Flag Position (Almost 42,500 Games)

Click on the table above to view the winning percentage of every flag position from almost 42,500 Gravon Stratego archived game files.  I did not include draws in the calculation. It looks like the best spots to place your Stratego flag are at the bottom center and bottom left. Placing flags...

Monday, April 10, 2017

View Top Row, Open Flag Winning Game files at Gravon Stratego Archive site

I did an analysis on almost 85,000 Stratego game board setups, from the Gravon Stratego archive files, to find out how players fared with open flags on the top row.  I did not count the 4 positions behind the lakes.  Here are the results: Total Wins Total Games Win Percentage Player 1 Center Squares 3 35 8.57% Player 2 Center Squares 5 34 8.82% ...

Saturday, April 1, 2017